Bahá’ís of Skagit, San Juan and Island Counties
San Juan, Skagit and
Island Counties WA-12
map of three clusters

Children’s Virtues-based Education Ages 6-10

Children’s Classes are educational programs designed to nurture a child’s spiritual and moral development, cultivating a deep love for humanity, and fostering an understanding of virtues such as kindness, generosity, and justice. The curriculum integrates engaging stories, songs, prayers, and activities that reinforce these valuable lessons. Classes are inclusive and open to all children.

Baha’i Children’s Classes play a pivotal role in laying the groundwork for a lifetime of spiritual growth, moral development, and a commitment to contributing to the betterment of the world.

“Children are the most precious treasure a community can possess, for in them are the promise and guarantee of the future. They bear the seeds of the character of future society which is largely shaped by what the adults constituting the community do or fail to do with respect to children. They are a trust no community can neglect with impunity. An all-embracing love of children, the manner of treating them, the quality of the attention shown them, the spirit of adult behavior toward them—these are all among the vital aspects of the requisite attitude. Love demands discipline, the courage to accustom children to hardship, not to indulge their whims or leave them entirely to their own devices. An atmosphere needs to be maintained in which children feel that they belong to the community and share in its purpose.”

-Universal House of Justice, Ridvan 2000 Message