Bahá’ís of Skagit, San Juan and Island Counties
San Juan, Skagit and
Island Counties WA-12
map of three clusters

Study Circles

Study circles are small, informal gatherings where individuals come together to explore and discuss spiritual themes and concepts. Participants engage in a collaborative study of materials developed by the Ruhi Institute, an educational program of the international Baha’i community. These materials are designed to help individuals reflect on fundamental spiritual principles, gain insights into their personal lives, and explore ways to contribute to the betterment of society.

Participants are encouraged to complete the courses in sequence if possible. To inquire about enrolling in a course, please navigate to our homepage and use the ‘Contact Us’ form to let us know the course you’d like to enroll and we’ll get back to you promptly.

The curriculum is comprised of the following courses:

Book 1 – Reflections on the Life of the SpiritBook 1 explores the themes of the Creative Word, the nature of prayer, and the mystery of life after death.

Book 2 – Arising to Serve – Book 2 aims to guide individuals in enhancing their spiritual and intellectual growth while contributing to societal transformation.

Book 3 – Teaching Children’s Classes Grades 1 – 5 – Book 3, Grade 1 explores some of the principles and concepts found in the Baha’i writings related to education and reflection on engaging children in classes that nurture them spiritually. Book 3, Grade 2 builds on the experience gained in Book 3 Grade 1, presents an opportunity to reflect on the first year conducting a children’s class, and offers lessons for Grade 2. Book 3, Grade 3 includes 16 lessons that build on previous lessons by strengthening understanding of the connection between the teachings of God’s Manifestations and the qualities and patterns of conduct that were the focus of attention in Grades 1 and 2. Book 3, Grade 4 is intended for ages 8 or 9 and includes 16. Each lesson consists of 10 elements: recitation and prayer memorization, introduction of the principal theme, memorization of quotations, songs, historical episodes, facts, narration and drama, drawing, review and closing prayers. 

Book 4 – The Twin Manifestations – Book 4 provides insight into the life of Bahá’u’lláh, the Báb, and the greatness of this day and the promises it holds for humanity.

Book 5 – Releasing the Powers of Junior Youth – Book 5 explores the spiritual empowerment of adolescents ages 12 to 15 through concepts that include the role of youth in contributing to the betterment of society. Book 5 (Branch 1) is intended to help animators consolidate the insights gained from competing Book 5 and becoming an animator of a junior youth group. Book 5 (Branch 2) is a resource for animators of junior youth groups to reflect on their service and consider their role in the expansion and consolidation of the program in their respective communities.

Book 6 – Teaching the Cause – Book 6 explores the spiritual nature of teaching, and the qualities and attitudes to teach the Faith; as well as strengthening one’s capacity to recognize and nurture receptivity to the Faith. 

Book 7 – Walking Together on a Path of Service – Book 7 explores the spiritual dynamics of service for advancing the Cause and humanity; understanding some concepts for serving as a Tutor; and appreciating the role of artistic endeavors in enhancing the educational process through promoting the arts at the grassroots.

Book 8 – The Covenant of Bahá’u’lláh – Unit 1, The Centre of the Covenant and His Will and Testament explores the nature and source of the Lesser Covenant and aligning our conduct with the teachings of Bahá’u’lláh, the unique rank of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, and the Will and Testament of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. Unit 2, The Guardian of the Faith, explores the concept of the power of the Covenant in relation to the Guardian and the ministry of the Custodians. Unit 3, The Universal House of Justice, explores the Universal House of Justice, its infallibility, and how it guides humanity on the path towards the World Order conceived by Bahá’u’lláh.

Book 9 – Gaining an Historical Perspective – Unit 1, The Eternal Covenant, explores The Eternal Covenant. Participants explore concepts that include God being unknowable in essence and progressive revelation as explained in the Kitáb-i-Iqán. Unit 2, Passage to Maturity, explores the impact of Bahá’u’lláh’s Revelation on the collective life of humanity, including characteristics of a mature humanity, and the development of the Administrative Order of the Bahá’í Faith. Unit 3, A Sacred Enterprise, examines key concepts informing the approach to societal transformation.

Book 10 – Building Vibrant Communities – Unit 1, Accompanying One Another on the Path of Service explores the concept of accompanying one another on the path of service. Unit 2, Consultation covers the importance, and characteristics of Bahá’í consultation, and its role in our collective life. Unit 3, Dynamics of Service on an Area Teaching Committee explores the application of accompaniment and consultation in the context of service on Bahá’í Administrative agencies and institutions, with a specific focus on service on an Area Teaching Committee. Unit 2: The Institution of the Fund

Book 11 – Material Means – Unit 1, Giving: The Spiritual Basis of Prosperity focuses on the attributes of a generous heart. Participants begin by exploring wealth as a concept, including the appropriate acquisition and expenditure of wealth. Unit 2, The Institution of the Fund focuses on the material means required to advance the civilization-building enterprise currently underway. Unit 3, The Law of Ḥuqúqu’lláh focuses on the spiritual dimensions of the law of Huquq’u’llah–the Right of God. The basics of calculation are described. 

Book 12 – Family and Community – Unit 1, The Institution of Marriage focuses on the family as a fundamental and indispensable unit of society and the mainstay of community life covering basic concepts that pertain to Bahá’í marriage. Unit 2: An Expanding Conversation on the Education of Children. 

Book 13 – Engaging in Social Action – Unit 1, Stirrings at the Grassroots examines how relatively simple instances of social action emerge naturally as the community-building process in a locality, cluster or region advances. Unit 2, Elements of a Conceptual Framework examines the elements of the conceptual framework that govern the current series of global Plans from the point of view of social action. 

Book 14 – Participating in Social Discourse – Unit 1, The Nature of Our Contributions provides an understanding of what public discourse entails and what spaces can be utilized for this purpose. It brings attention to the importance of drawing on insights from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, and the Guardian, as well as the messages of the Universal House of Justice.

Regard man as a mine rich in gems of inestimable value. Education can, alone, cause it to reveal its treasures, and enable mankind to benefit therefrom.